Tom's Cooperation Package

If you have one child or all of your children are under six years of age, then Tom's Cooperation Package is right for you!

Tom's Agreements Package

If you have multiple children and at least one of them is six years old, then Tom's Agreements Package is right for you!

Streamlined Coaching Service Packages

Both of Tom's coaching services packages include a review of the his Three Keys to Guiding Children.
Tom applies these keys to your specific challenges and personality.

Parenting becomes easier

as you gain confidence

as a leader and a teacher

and build a culture of respect

in your home

while supporting

your child's emotional development.

Three women are riding bikes in the woods.

Transformative Parenting Support

Tom draws upon his years of experience working directly with children and families to provide you with the support and guidance you need to help your children and family cooperate and thrive.

Tom's messages and support apply to children as young as two years and as old as eighteen. His services are all provided online from the comfort of your home or office.

Personalized Sessions

During your coaching sessions, you and Tom work together to identify your specific goals and concerns, develop practical strategies for addressing them, and empower you with the tools and confidence needed to thrive as a parent. Additionally, all of Tom's coaching sessions include a follow-up email review with relevant links and summaries, providing ongoing support and resources.

From communication techniques to behavior management strategies, Tom is here to provide you with the support and guidance you need to create a positive and fulfilling parenting experience.

Two girls riding bikes in a park with yellow leaves.
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Complimentary Consultation

Whether you have questions or are ready to schedule your first coaching session, contact Tom today and get personalized parenting support for yourself and your family!